Why a Doula?

Why a Doula?

In celebration of Doula week, I thought it was about time I got another blog out to you lovely followers.

My chosen topic is very close to my heart. 

Why did I chose this career path? Why a Doula?

Let me take you back a few years. My first pregnancy! My little breechling Mary. Her pregnancy, her birth, the journey we took together is in short the reason I do what I do now.

I chose to go through a private OB, because I believed it would be the best care, and we had been paying maternity on our Health insurance so you know, I knew no different. I had a birth plan in mind, all natural, no interventions – practiced hypnobirthing and I KNEW exactly what I wanted! AND then my darling daughter was confirmed Breech, and that is how she stayed. 

I was given no options for my birth, no choice! Breech = C-section as far as my OB was concerned and that was that. 

With no other information given to me, except for scare tactics and “Dead Baby” statements, I started doing my research, speaking to birth workers, surrounded myself with supportive people – and made a huge decision which paved my path. 

I changed providers at 39 weeks and birthed my little Breech baby completely naturally through my VAGINA the following day!!!!!!!


It was through this experience I realised that women don’t get enough support through these new and sometimes scary life changing momentous moments. Choices aren’t laid out for us. The information isn’t given to us unless we know exactly what we need to ask for, and “You don’t know what you don’t know”!

I want to make a difference, I want to empower woman to make THEIR choices – not the ones they are told make.

Once I started my study to become a Doula (2 babies later) it was EVERYTHING I thought it would be, I was so full of emotion every day that we learnt, connected and empowered each other. I knew this was my path and I felt so grateful my 2 babies had lead me to something so powerful and true to me.



One of the studies that really cemented the deal for me – that really showed me how much of an impact a Doula can have was the study published by John Kennel – statuses per below

The presence of a Doula reduces a women’s need for intervention;

  • Artificial Oxytocin used 17% with a Doula, and 43.6% without a Doula
  • Epidural rate is7.8% with a Doula, and 55.3% without
  • Forceps used 8.2% with a Doula present, and 26.3% without a Doula
  • C-Section rate 8% with a Doula, 18% without.

Doula’s are there to emotionally, physically and mentally support you. We are your companion, we are your rock, your shoulder to cry on and we are in your corner – cheering you on, reminding you that you CAN do this.

We provide you with all the information needed to make an INFORMED choice, not just the information we want you to know. If you have any questions, we are there to find the right EVIDENCE based information for you – and then you can make an informed and empowered decision from there.



Photo Credit – Cat Fancote



My name is Jackie O’Neill, I am a Doula who is inspired to help and support Women through their pregnancy, birth and postpartum period. I strive to keep myself informed with the most up to date evidence based information and resources.

“Live your life, Love your body, Birth your way”

If you want to know more, feel free to contact me here

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If you are interested in the services I offer – please click here

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